Thursday, April 03, 2008

Origin of the Universe...Is just amazing...

The very reason for this post is, Last-to-last night I was just doing desktop search oh! sorry laptop search and stopped by some Nova, SuperNova conceptual videos and theories around the birth of universe. It made me watch the full video even after midnight and patiently sit almost 2hrs may be an unusual behavior atleast for me in the recent past !

I would like to paper some of those I could digest, if possible showcase those videos in upcoming posts...

There are various theories on the origin or birth of the universe, amongst those three are predominant...

1. Gravitational theory by Newton (G)
2. Electro-Magnetic theory by Maxwell (EM)
3. Quantum theory by a group of scientists in 1960s...(S)

Einstein tried to combine the above theories and tried to come up with a theory called "Theory of Unification". But Unfortunately he couldn't prove the co-existance of the above theories and found G on one plate and EM, S on the other...

According to Einstein, the theory of Unification says "Everything in the universe has been/will be and continue to be converged/unified at one point. Let it be molecules/You/me, earth, sun everything in the universe...But then I just thought about is there something outside universe ? is there a boundary for universe ? if so than how was it created ?...Let me come back without being diverted from the topic of concern much...

Than recently one more theory was proposed from young scientists called "String theory" to explain the Universe. It makes use of blackhole theory you/me know of...I couldn't get much in that...Let me try to do some more homework and coem back to you on this....

Untill then,
Have a good time...
