Friday, January 23, 2015

Tried First Cisco product

I was new to Cisco product, tried downloading UCS(Unified Computing System) manager to have a look and feel of it but off-late got to know that we are supposed to have a FII(Fibre Interconnect) to get it installed. My thought went to "why cant there be a simulator ?", like vsim (NetApp), thank god, there was one named as UCS PE - UCS Platform Emulator. I downloaded UCSPE, however I had to run it as a VM using one of the virtualization mechanism. let it be VMware, VirtualBox. But I had only Windows-7 Desktop. So finally I was able to run and explore UCS PE and its commands and could feel what UCS Manager without actually having the h/w. Here the way...

1. UCSPE image is available at  (just register as some user)

If you feel the difficulty in getting UCSPE as a VM through vmplayer, write back -

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